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Sharon Rogow
Art Clay Senior Instructor

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Studio: Contact Information:

P.O.B 35078
Las Vegas, NV 89149

Phone: 702-499-0272
Fax: 702-656-3839
Art Clay Classes Offered:Areas of Specialty:
  • Introductory
  • Specialty
  • Lampworking
  • Pottery
  • Pastels
  • Bead Jewelry

Grade and High School: Took drawing and ceramics classes.
University: Fine Art/History Minor with classes in photography and drawing.
Graduate School: Art History Minor with classes in sculpture.
Post Graduate: No art courses, but painted on my own.
Outside of formal education: Occasional non credit classes in painting, pottery, stained glass, bead making, and now, Art Clay.
Further into adulthood: In the pursuit of happiness, as work permitted, but sometimes sneaking away, never to the detriment of my clients, I would spend hours on the pottery wheel which greatly reduced my stress level and enhanced my skill level (throwing 25 pounds of clay, at times). I actually began with hand building and decorating then gravitated to the electric wheel with frequent hand decorating. Oil painting came and went depending on my mood.
In the early 1990's, the bead addiction began. Searching out and collecting vintage and antique jewelry pieces became a priority. I found that reconstructing old broken jewelry and brooches was sometimes challenging and always enjoyable and the finished products were very well received by the public. From there I proceeded to collecting old beads. After a few years, I developed an appreciation for the contemporary and took a lesson in lampworking. Although I loved the creativity, I could not factor in the time to develop great skill. That is a hope for the future.
Currently, I do some designing primarily with large unusual semi-precious beads combined with various mature and hand carved pieces and pendants, large gauge wire work and my latest and greatest passion, Art Clay, learning, creating and teaching.
Artist Philosophy: 
I never met a bead I didn't love!!

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