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Art Clay Gold Paste (1.5g)
Art Clay Gold Paste (1.5g)
Our Price: $220.00

Quantity in Stock:2

Product Code: A-109

(Item # A-109) Art Clay Gold Paste (1.5g) is in a viscous liquid form, so that you can add texture or draw directly on the surface of Art Clay Silver (fired piece), ceramic, porcelain and/or glass. This product has 77.5% of indicated weight as 24-Karat gold, and it becomes 22-Karat gold after firing. Art Clay Gold Paste comes in two bottles. One has 1.5gm of thick paste; the other contains a 5ml medium that is used to dilute the paste to a more workable consistency on glazed surfaces. Fires at 800°C / 1472°F. May also be torch fired on top of a fine layer of Overlay Paste.

This item can only be shipped to destinations within the U.S.A. and Canada.

MSDS for Art Clay Gold
Instructions for Art Clay Gold Paste

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