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Firing Rack 6" X 6"
Firing Rack 6" X 6"
Our Price: $8.99

Quantity in Stock:4

Product Code: E-117

(Item # E-117) Firing Rack 6" X 6"

Stainless Steel. Heat and corrosion resistant mesh wire rack for transporting work in and out of the kiln. Supplied flat. To make legs to elevate rack, corners can be bent down in a vise or with a pair of heavy pliers. Use enameling fork to life in and out of kiln

Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review »

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Firing Rack 6" X 6" November 4, 2019
Reviewer: Kim Acoya from Alhambra, CA United States  
It's a solid rack - I've yet to bend the legs but Very Sturdy.

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