I made jewelry for as long as I can remember. As a young girl, I made jewelry with seed beads, clay, pins and paper. I never forgot the joy in wearing something that was handmade. As an adult, i began metalsmithing and made different kinds of jewelry for many years. I am often inspired by the outdoors, I love circle, swirls and graceful lines and see them everywhere. I am motivated to make jewelry with just a walk around my neighborhood, I see circles in puffy clouds, swirls on tips of leaves, graceful lines in flowers and pods. I often contrast my designs with a sharp line or two to highlight the curves.Art Clay has been such a wonderful discovery for me. I have taken classes for over three years and can't get enough. Although I still love to metalsmith, Art Clay allows me to "break the rules" and push the metal in more creative ways.I am looking forward to teaching in the near future. |